I might also have a song on my mind when I see the photo while it's happening.
Then again, I will often set out to take a photo that I believe will match a song I love. I want to commemorate it in some way ... I want to make it stick. In my mind, it works. Those photos do look the way the songs sound.
But the photos most significant to me, are the ones that take place when the song is actually on the radio. I might be backing out of the garage, like with this one. Or I might be on the road ... then I'll look for the song while I am driving. And I'm not only listening to the song, but I am hearing it ... after having listened to it for years. I am also getting it ... totally.
This Willow is mine. And we sang Styx's "Too Much Time On My Hands" together, in perfect harmony. And Oprah only wants me to stop TEXTING while I drive?
See what's up around the world while others take photos of the sky for you at Sky Watch Friday.