I always give my attention to a US flag that's flying. It is just so beautiful. But that same flag, draping a soldier's coffin, is the saddest sight I know. Pray for peace.
I love the insides of Flowers. I think they are beautiful. They make me happy. And when my eyes move out from the center and on to the petals ... well ... they are beautiful too. The contrast between the inside and the petals is always amazing. As I have said before, God had a great imagination.
While I was away in Colorado the trees in the Shelter Belt leafed out. The Flowering Crab Apple Trees opened up too. They all said they missed me. I believe it.
Once the snow clears I love the contrast between what's in the fields and what's going on up above. The brown of last years corn compliments the blue gray of this fast moving cloud formation so nicely. Skies around our World at http://www.skyley.blogspot.com
The natural light here on The Prairie is very different from what I experienced in The South for so long. I'm not saying anything negative about The South's natural light, or The East's or West's for that matter. I'm just saying mine is softer ... and softer to me means a little prettier.
I took this Saturday evening while we walked our property. The sky had something totally different going on in each direction. I had been looking up the entire time we were out. Right before we went in I happened to look back at the Garage to see how the newly potted Geraniums were doing ... this beautiful Drive In Movie shadow was just starting to form.