This is for F. Carter Smith ... from my Junior League of Houston Star of Texas Cookbook. Make your own crust from a box (6-3/4 oz) graham crackers, 2/3 cup sugar and a softened stick of butter. Roll the crackers with a pin and combine with sugar and butter. Press firmly and evenly into the sides and bottom of a 9" pie plate and refridgerate for an hour. Make the filling in a blender after preheating the oven to 375. Add 1.5 hunks of softened cream cheese (12 oz), 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, and a dash of cinnamon. Whirrrrrrrrrr it for at least a minute and fold in the raspberries gently by hand with a wooden spoon. Pour into the crust, bake for 20 to 25 minutes and cool. It should just be starting to get a little browned in a few places. Make the topping with 2 cups of sour cream, 3 tbs sugar and 1 tsp vanilla extract. Spread over the cooled pie and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Refrigerate for as long as you can stand ... my minimum is a few hours and it's still going to be a little runny. Seriously, it's better if you wait a day.
I'm going to stay OUT of the moment for a while. My feet are really not tanned and dusty these days. And there isn't a thing in my Garden that's green. But I was going through photographs today and couldn't leave this one behind.
I try not to assume it's Spring here on The Prairie. After several months spent indoors it's difficult not to. Even when a lone goose flies over my farm quite low to the ground and honks, I remain cautious. And as the snow melts it seems the sky does too. See what people around the world who love to watch the sky have to say today at
Sun Dogs are visible when the sun is near the horizon and on the same horizontal plane as the observer and the ice crystals. As sunlight passes through the ice crystals, it is bent by 22 degrees before reaching our eyes. This bending of light results in the formation of a Sun Dog. Some of us are scientific. Some of us are artistic. Some of each have a sky for you just because it's Sky Watch Friday
I still love snow. Even on the 9th of March when I open my eyes and it's falling again outside my bedroom window. And especially when I take an alley in town so I don't miss this.
I travel up and down this road quite often. I call it the scenic route to town. But then again it's all scenery to me. When I saw that the sun behind me was hitting these curling twirling drifts that had formed in the previous night's snowing and blowing, I pulled over. I took just the shot I intended to.
At Sky Watch Friday someone on the other side of the world did the same.
This is Spring on The Prairie. I'm looking for bird baths. My favorites are these ... the ones filled with snow to their brims, their centers resting nicely within. I noticed these pretty blue birds in their snow bath in a yard at the Lake on Sunday. It was quite a challenge to get to them.
I do miss my Spring days in Houston where I typically had my gardening projects going by Valentines Day. But I am also one who appreciates the beauty all of this snow, especially during Spring, and how it compliments nearly everything it touches.
You have to be careful who you say that to around here. And you don't even want to mention that the Farmer's Almanac says we're getting another 50" in March.