I visited my cousins on their Farm near Ipswich, South Dakota last weekend. We walked the property while the sun was setting on Saturday evening. I wandered off to find the soft light of the pastel sky and it's interesting contrast to the 100 year old roof of this building. SKY WATCH FRIDAY ...
I am in love. My new Girlfriend's name is Bambette. She is beautiful and came through my back yard this morning while I was having coffee on the porch. She was nibbling on my white flowering crab apple tree. She can have it. Ron put a feeder out for her and filled it with corn. xoxo from The Prairie. Did I mention that I love my life?
I love you and I totally get the outfit. Happy Father's Day. xoxo.
I have perches. I go to them when the sky speaks to me. It can take me quite a while to arrive home when it's evening and I have been in town. All my Family needs to do to know where I am is to look up. My extended Family has been looking up too ... see what they came up with at http://www.skyley.blogspot.com. They are your Family too.
Here on The Prairie the first Peony to open is a big deal. They follow the Lilacs ... but it's not a competition. The Peony blossom sets a pattern for itself, and then does not follow. The frail layers, the color, the zest, the passion ... and the fragrance? Why that's the smell of Love.
Let me know if you need anything. Mi casa su casa.
I am an Episcopalian ... that's Catholic Lite, 1/3 less guilt. Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost, the birth of the church. We said a prayer for the Planet ... this is what the service meant to me. This is how I witness.
I am in a silly mood. It's going to last the rest of my life. I am certain. There are other skies and other moods around this silly world at http://www.skyley.blogspot.com
I am a Rabbit. I have a clue for a friend ... it's east of Mount Rushmore.I hide under these daisies because I am shy. I nibble on flowers that belong to someone I love. I don't nibble to anger her ... I nibble because I want her attention. So where was the cracked corn this winter ???
One of my Grandmother's greatest joys in life was going for a ride in the country. After loosing her husband as a young wife, she moved her children into town from off of the farm and went to work for Herberger's.
She managed the china and housewares department, so my Grandma, Marie Van Sickle, knew all of the brides in town. She also stocked many a kitchen through the 40's, 50's and 60's. She loved Farberware, Corelle, and little paring knives.
When I see a scene like this on The Prairie I think of riding in her light blue Ford Fairlane, traveling the gravel roads north of town. It's summer. The sun is setting. And there is a Zesto vanilla ice cream cone in my future. Check out another summer story at http://www.skyley.blogspot.com It's your planet ... get to know it.
If I were a handsome Rabbit at lunch time on The Prairie and I could munch this beautiful Gazania blossom instead of a piece of tree bark, no doubt, I would choose the blossom. Lucinda B. Rabbit might want to join me. She would be impressed by the crunchy texture of the Gazania's center followed by it's sweet tart petals. Maybe she would want to see more of me. A handsome Rabbit can only dream of her soft Bunny nose as it twitches. She doesn't even know me.