Yesterday morning the Sun was a Girl. I knew that to the tips of my own Girlie toes.
I had to be in town early which gave me the opportunity to catch the band of fog that had rolled over the field of winter wheat and backed itself up to the morning Sun. I pulled over and hung out.Like a Girl, you really don't know what's coming until you consider each and every element and emotion going on around her. On a good day you will see this ... her soft and feminine side surrounding her, and what appear to be flower petals around her face.There are other sides to the story at Sky Watch Friday. Some feminine, some masculine. All created by someone who cared enough to stop, look, click and tell you all about it.
I took this photograph yesterday evening at a benefit for our Codington County Heritage Museum. Bernie Hunhoff, the founder of South Dakota Magazine, was the entertainment. He's a very funny guy and told some great stories on people from around here.
I really love the firey energy of the sun and sky in this photograph, along with the serenity of the water and the activity on the boat. This sunset formed pretty quickly and the sky went through quite a few very soft pastel changes after the sun was actually down.
Take a look at someone else's evening and find out what it meant to them at Sky Watch Friday. And don't forget to cross your t's too.
Half of my heart is back in Custer tumbling along with this vivid band of storm clouds. See 9 September for an additional view.In this big beautiful world, no two photographers click alike ... see what I'm talking about at Sky Watch Friday.
I typically find beautiful Architecture in this part of the world in the buildings along main streets of our small towns.
I visited the SDSU Campus yesterday and when the tower came out of the clouds at me I had to do a double take and say "whoa" ... Built in 1929, the University’s most recognized symbol is the Campanile Tower. It was funded by Charles L. Coughlin, an electrical engineering graduate. Coughlin was president of Briggs & Stratton Corporation. Steven Briggs, inventor of the Briggs & Stratton engine, was a graduate as well.
The university's Dairy Plant invented Cookies & Cream ice cream : ) SDSU is also home to the Lady Jacks. More to come on them. What else is out there, up in the sky? Find out at Sky Watch Friday around the world.
If more people would spend more time looking up, there would be less negative energy. Period. I shot this last month in The Badlands.
I am continually inspired by what I see in the Sky each and every day. My appreciation for what goes on up there has been finely tuned by Sky Watch Friday. Thanks to the Team and thanks to all of you.
Now get out there, look up, and Peace Out.