We had a gorgeous Sky all day yesterday. While I relate many of my photographs to songs coming from my satellite radio, I followed these clouds to the tune of an argument going on between two friends in my car. Skies happen for a reason. For me, the mere sight of what's happening above us is meant to draw us away from ourselves and our struggles. I clung to my sky, and my Nikon, for the best reason I knew of ... it's never going to look this way again. And it's just for you, with love from The Prairie.There are skies. There are people. There are arguments and there is harmony. It's all there at Sky Watch Friday. And we are watching it for you all the way around the World.
I'm good at stumbling upon cool stuff. I'm always looking for cool stuff. But I couldn't have found this. It just was ... all because I took the time to pull off of Interstate 29 and head east on a country road. I was following a bank of clouds that looked like the Ocean. Then I found a cemetery, a mysterious house, and a beautifully wild field of harvested corn.But this ... all I did was brave the wind and point my camera towards the Sun. And Jim Morrison was wailing on about his L.A. Woman. At http://www.skyley.blogspot.com you will find a visual litany of our world's skies. Some from one corner and some from another. All have people behind them with good MoJo.