Hey Houston, Problem Solved ...
... If it's about your Christmas list. The blue night light in the shot is one of many that I made for JOAN SON's Christmas show and sale this weekend. Joan is an Artist of Origami and her Gallery is behind Anderson Fair at 904 Welch. You can visit and/or shop on Friday 12 - 8, Saturday 10 - 6, and Sunday 12 - 6. Eight Artists are participating in this annual event ... Merry Christmas from all of us.
Laurie, are you friends with Elizabeth (who writes at "a moon, worn as if it had been a shell?"). She is requesting origami cranes as a form of prayer for her daughter, Sophie, and I wonder if your friend might be interested in participating (whenever she has time)? Elizabeth has asked, "Make one for real or in your mind." My crane is half-finished because I can't make out the directions, but I've already made it in my mind and heart.