And then I take photographs like this ... enter the Columbine. It was sitting there inside it's warm and humid nursery surroundings. The light did not appear to be anything very special. But the detail of this Colorado flower, particularly it's very dramatic tail, always photographs well. I took just this one, primarily for it's "just sitting there" beauty and gave it one layer of an antique effect.
I love it. And I am going to apply the "just sitting there" beauty theory to more of the things I see.
For some reason this photo reminds me of a bride getting ready for her wedding, with her attendants around her.
ReplyDeleteI have always loved columbines, since they remind me of going to the camp I loved in Colorado as a young girl. Thank you for the gift of this image!
The lovely Columbine made even lovelier by your skill. This one is a pale beauty.