Monday, January 18, 2010

The Mountain of Love ...

Yesterday I moved all of our ice candles into a bank of snow on the corner of the deck.

Now they are a Mountain of Love ...

You can come down now, Johnny Rivers.

Thank you ... I feel so much better.
And I am not ashamed.


  1. Those are really cool! And just gorgeous!

  2. I wish I could see those burning n person, Laurie. I like the glow.

  3. This is so awesome. You are so great!!!
    Hugs, Suz

  4. So lovely...and so creative of you to think to do this. You find so much COLOR in the white of winter!

    Please tell me about your friend from B.I. Did you know that our house faces B.I., WA? Literally faces it across the Agate Passage!

  5. Laurie,
    I absolutely LOVE your ice candles.
    I'm going to profile you and your beautiful artwork on my (new) blog VERY soon. (soon, as in, like, 5 minutes....) :)

