Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hey Houston, Problem Solved ...

... If it's about your Christmas list. The blue night light in the shot is one of many that I made for JOAN SON's Christmas show and sale this weekend. Joan is an Artist of Origami and her Gallery is behind Anderson Fair at 904 Welch. You can visit and/or shop on Friday 12 - 8, Saturday 10 - 6, and Sunday 12 - 6. Eight Artists are participating in this annual event ... Merry Christmas from all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Laurie, are you friends with Elizabeth (who writes at "a moon, worn as if it had been a shell?"). She is requesting origami cranes as a form of prayer for her daughter, Sophie, and I wonder if your friend might be interested in participating (whenever she has time)? Elizabeth has asked, "Make one for real or in your mind." My crane is half-finished because I can't make out the directions, but I've already made it in my mind and heart.
