Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Growing Sunflowers ...

I grabbed these photos off of Wickipedia. I've started my own from seeds, but this field photo was taken about 100 miles from here. Later this summer we will see millions of them.

Mine are planted in six tall, square, black, Houston City Slicker pots. They used to line our driveway with the latest freshest flower of the Season, and they were a nice sophisticated accent to my nice sophisticated life. Now they contain a simple natural Prairie beauty.

Sunflowers are related to the Jerusalem Artichoke and were first discovered in Peru. The Incas worshiped them as representation of the Sun God. They are the symbol of the Vegan Society and the subject of Van Gogh's most famous still life. In the bud stage, Sunflowers exhibit heliotropism by motor cells, rotating with the sun all day long, then back to the East at night. They produce latex too, and should you need it, their growth pattern model has coordinates of n=1.500. Love from The Prairie. xoxo.


  1. Hey girl!
    Our youngest daughter Lauren started sunflower seeds one week ago and was
    thrilled to find sprouts coming up
    yesterday. Once again, your tidbits
    of information are very interesting!
    We're in San Marcos this weekend with Lauren visiting her sister Carly.
    I love college towns; they bring back
    great memories! Keep on keeping it green! xoxo judy (on Carly's Mac)

  2. I love the sound of them lining your driveway.

    And I didn't know they came from Peru. The things I learn from you people...

  3. Can't wait to see yours full grown and lining your driveway!

  4. Fabulously beautiful...I love the black & white image, too! Thanks for the facts about one of my favorite flowers.

  5. I love to grow sunflowers - we used them in our gardens to keep the birds fed in hopes they woudl leave our veggies for us :)

    I bet they will look pretty on your drive way

  6. That black and white pattern is actually a mathematical representation of the placement of the florets in a sunflower. A polar function is represented by the black dots.

    I saw that picture and just had to comment.

